Tag Archives: reliable

Web hosting with VodaHost was easier than I could ever have imagined!

My brother just recently made his very own first website. He sent me the URL and invited me to sign his guestbook so I followed his link and checked up on his website. He’s a guitarist so, quite naturally, his website is all about guitars (big ones … small ones …). His attempt at a website was a very creative one, so much so that it took me by surprise. He had really done a marvelous job and it seemed that his website had been designed by a professional. I couldn’t help but call him immediately to ask stuff like who had made this website? How much did he pay for the design and hosting of the site? He told me, very proudly, that he had designed it himself and he also told me the website was hosted by the VodaHost web hosting company. Intrigued, I decided to check out the VodaHost web hosting company for myself.

I Googled for web hosting companies, obtained VodaHost’s web address and started navigating about the VodaHost site. The first thing that I couldn’t help but notice was the really low web hosting fee. I have had heard that web hosting can be very expensive and that companies who offer free or very cheap web hosting can do things like secretly add hidden text without the knowledge of users. As a result the free website hosted by such so called free web hosting service websites never get indexed and appear on search engine pages. VodaHost, however, seemed altogether to be bit different than any usual free or cheap web hosting companies.

The VodaHost web hosting company offers unlimited disk space as well as data transfer per month. You get the registration of a domain name for free when you sign up which is another great saving. It’s kinda unbelievable that you can get so much for just $7.95 per month. I was so bowled over by what was offered that I immediately decided, on impulse, to sign up for web hosting with VodaHost. The more I read about the amazing features of VodaHost web hosting company the more I fell in love with it. Taking my cue from my brother I designed my very own website with help of the designing software of the VodaHost web hosting company website which is called BlueVoda – I found that this was what my brother had used to design his site. Then, I simply followed the directions and published it. It only took me a couple of hours to get all of this done. I followed the tutorials present at VodaHost web hosting company website which have helped me immensely. I’ve learned a lot about web hosting and whatever the queries I had in my mind were answered by the customer support and in the forum. Web hosting at VodaHost was easier than I could ever have ever imagined.