Tag Archives: vodahost

Web hosting with VodaHost helps cement your beliefs in your website

I will always be proud to have taken up an account with the VodaHost web hosting company. The fabulous features of the VodaHost web hosting company came to our aid when we were in a miserable situation. I worked with some nuns in a Non-governmental organization (NGO). This NGO supports an orphanage where young children who had lost their parents were taken care of. The nuns had also opened a small school to educate the children. That day we were playing with the kids when suddenly we were caught by Katrina, that catastrophic hurricane and we were all blown up in the storm. When the dust settled, I realized that nothing had been left untouched and very much of what we had build had been destroyed. We had nothing left; no money, no food, no trustees. A little while later I sullenly searched for a solution in a working cyber café. I searched the internet and some friends of mine with whom I chat online suggested putting this problem on the Internet via a website in a hope to raise charitable funds. To do this we needed a web hosting account to host our website on the internet.

The VodaHost web hosting company seemed to be a universal choice of my instant messaging buddies. They said that web hosting with VodaHost was dependable, economical, reliable and plus VodaHost provides an excellent free website builder to make your own website yourself. I quickly signed up with a VodaHost web hosting account as I knew time was of the essence. The children were living in a difficult situation; very little food, a feeble place to call a shelter and Katrina had left many children sick and in shock. We needed help very fast and we had found a ray of hope in the VodaHost web hosting company. They provided all these features we needed to get the salvage ball rolling and available to us at a reasonable price that we could just about manage.

I built our website myself and asked for help for the little kids who were interested to see it come together. Within two weeks our website was obviously being seen and we were receiving some of the monetary help we needed. People sent donations and volunteered to help us in setting up our orphanage and school once more. Even a couple of doctors came to our aid and helped to take care of the kids. It was a wonderful feeling to see help arriving.

If ever I had a problem with our website, the customer support and tech support was available to help us and the customer care representatives of VodaHost web hosting were all very polite and friendly. I was and still am very grateful to the VodaHost web hosting company for providing us with such a great platform. Thanks to the people who were able to provide us the help they did, we were able to settle down again. It was back to normality again for the children and they started going back to the school we had been able to salvage. Web hosting with VodaHost has further cemented our beliefs in the cause that we had chosen to follow.