Category Archives: web hosting

I vote for VodaHost

As a business owner I can’t afford to have downtime on my website. That is the problem I consistently ran into with cheap web hosting providers. Every time I would think I found the best web hosting company, I would end up with my website down again. This costs me money and that is just unacceptable for my business. When I found VodaHost, I admit I was concerned that I was again going to get what I was paying for. The only reason I opted to give VodaHost a try was because they offered the 99.9% uptime guarantee. I decided it was worth trying out and I am so glad I did.

Not only did VodaHost guarantee that my website would be up and running virtually all of the time, they offer more than any other cheap web hosting company I have been able to find. As a business owner I am able to fully appreciate the bargain being offered to me. From the moment I signed up with VodaHost everything was effortless. Even a task as important as transferring my domain name from the current provider was easy and did not cost me anything extra. Beginning with the moment of sign-up, this provider made it clear they were among the best web hosting available.

To say I was impressed with the features VodaHost includes in their hosting package would be a serious understatement. Anyone who has spent any time using cheap web hosting providers is well aware of how hard it is to find one that offers enough disk space or data transfer. VodaHost gives you unlimited amounts of both! This is a huge offering for such a low price in web hosting. However, they aren’t the best web hosting company only because of their unlimited disk space. They offered me more features than I would ever find the need for. But I know if I do need it, it is there.

Thanks to VodaHost, I now have unlimited email accounts and even access to unlimited domains. If I decide I want more than one website, I can host them all right on my VodaHost account. No other cheap web hosting company provides that ability. This hosting supports all of the things I need to run my site effectively. I was even able to start a blog on my website. It’s provided a great way for me to interact with my customers and it seems to be going over very well. This is honestly the best web hosting company I have dealt with and I have used several.

VodaHost doesn’t just win my vote in features and price, although they certainly have that. The mark of the best web hosting provider is the way they treat and care for their customers. In the past I have encountered cheap web hosting providers that were hard to reach or did not answer my concerns. I’ve had very little reason to interact with their customer service team, but anytime I have contacted them I have been able to reach them easily and have been treated with kindness and respect. Of course, the most important factor that led me to VodaHost is the one that keeps me here. My website is always up and running.