Category Archives: web hosting

VodaHost is brilliant!!

If you are after the best web hosting service, then look no more! I am a living testimony of VodaHost. My success story happened after I’ve signed up with VodaHost. I started my Affiliate Marketing business 4 years ago. I literally avoided using cheap web hosting service, just because I had this notion that with cheaper tag price, the services or products are nothing but lousy. Before using VodaHost, I have tried 2 different web hosting services. The first one was always giving me downtime several times in a day. So imagine my frustration. My business was suffering from the downtime and other issues with my former web hosting service. I found another hosting service a year after my first web hosting company. A friend of mine suggested that I try this so called best web hosting service. I trusted his opinion, so I signed up under that company. I thought I was in good hands. I was promised not only by my friend, but by that hosting company. To make my sad story short, I had to bear with that second company for one long year and experience nothing but nightmares. A lot of my customers are leaving me with nasty comments. It’s not that my products are not good or something to that effect. It’s my website in general. They say that it is hard to access, that it is always down, and that I better stop my business right then and there.

I was losing a lot of money. For two years, my business and I suffered. I paid 2 years worth of subscriptions, but all of my hard-earned money went down the drain. I was not going to give up, just because I made bad decisions. I searched the web for the best web hosting service. Luckily, I’ve ended with not just the world’s best web hosting; I also found a cheap web hosting provider. I found VodaHost!  For a mere $7.95 a month, I get to enjoy a lot of things that VodaHost promised me. I have an access to unlimited disk space. I was and I am still enjoying their unlimited monthly data transfer. My account also comes with unlimited matching email accounts. I can go on and on, but I will choose to leave it for all of you to find out and experience the world’s best web hosting and cheap web hosting for yourself.

I am now on my second year with VodaHost. I am so proud to share with you all, that I have opened my third Affiliate Product website and used VodaHost for all of them as well. I’ve never had this good experience with my former web hosting services. I don’t want you to make the same mistakes that I did with my previous web hosting service companies.

I want you all to enjoy the fruit of your hard labors by going with proven and trusted VodaHost. You too can also enjoy VodaHost and its cheap web hosting all year long. So, why sign up for some web hosting company that offers less and yet charges more than $10 per month, when you can go with a cheap web hosting for only $7.95 a month? VodaHost will give you more than what other web hosting companies can give